Université de Padoue, 13-14 février 2025

International Conference - Autotraduction et traduction pour l'enfance et la jeunesse

Self-translation has only recently emerged as a separate research field within Translation Studies. Yet it has proved a fertile and promising one, constantly evolving and expanding. Similarly, translation for children and young people has attracted growing scholarly attention over the last twenty years and developed into a research area in its own right. However, studies at the crossroads of the two disciplines are still lacking, although some authors do self-translate in children’s and Young Adult (YA) literature. Even when they are not involved as translators, authors are sometimes invited to take part in the translation process, thus affecting it and contributing to the publishing project in a hybrid, complex way.

This conference seeks to broaden the horizons of translation studies in the context of children’s and YA literature by opening it up to self-translation, a phenomenon that needs to be investigated from both a translation and publishing perspective.

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